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Catholic Identity

"I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly."

Folder Educators

This section of the ECSI webpage contains a variety of resources to support educators in our Sandhurst schools work towards the ECSI theological normative of Post-Critical Belief in Recontextualising Catholic Dialogue schools. These include high-quality examples of recontextualisation and dialogue and descriptions of the Witness-Specialist-Moderator (WSM) function of religious educators.


Select Toggle Title Date
pdf Brisbane Recontextualisation Summary and Examples ( pdf, 1.82 MB ) (2370 downloads) Popular
pdf ECSI glossary of terms ( pdf, 1.40 MB ) (1202 downloads) Popular
document Resource The Third Space ( docx, 6 KB ) (615 downloads) Popular
pdf Robyn Horner REC PD 20190612 ( pdf, 4.82 MB ) (851 downloads) Popular
pdf The Talking Park Bench ( pdf, 640 KB ) (676 downloads) Popular
Image Trinity ( jpg, 917 KB ) (655 downloads) Popular