Title: Positive, Powerful Relationships (CEPD) Year Level: 9 & 10 Strand: Christian Morality and Social Justice Suggested Duration: 10 weeks (25 hours) |
Unit Outline:The unit focuses on the development and maintenance of fulfilling relationships and the many issues that influence young people’s sexuality during the adolescent years and into early adulthood. BRR Unit 2: THE POWER CONNECTION explores the nature of gender-based violence and sexual assault in the context of power, social and institutional structures, and young people’s lives. It takes a broad view of violence, covering the physical aspects as well as looking at the emotional, social and economic implications of gender-based violence, including homophobia. This unit also helps students to understand the nature of consent and respect, and develop skills to take individual and collective action and responsibility for self and others. BRR Unit 3: GENDER, POWER & MEDIA is designed to address the link between sexualisation, pornography, gender and respectful relationships. This unit has a strong emphasis on building media and health literacy. Achievement Standards:By the end of Year Ten: Unit Outcomes:By the end of this unit students should be able to:
ResourcesPodcastsAppendicespdf Positive, Powerful Relationships (CEPD) - Appendices (1.48 MB) |
+ 001 0231 123 32
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