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Catholic Identity

"I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly."

Title: The Risen Christ 

Year Level: 5 & 6


Suggested Duration: 3-5 Weeks

Enduring Questions: What does the Church look like in our Community? How can I be like Jesus in our community?

On Screen Unit

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Unit Outline:

 In this unit students will reflect on the mystery of the resurrection by entering the experience through the eyes of the disciples who first gave witness to Jesus’ risen presence amongst them.  They will also explore ways they integrate the resurrection experience into their own lives.

Achievement Standards:

 By the end of Year Six:

Students explore and identify the deeper significance of Lent and Advent as significant church seasons.

Students analyse and explain the significance of the colours, readings and rituals of Lent and Advent.

Unit Outcomes:

By the end of this unit students should be able to:

1.     Explore how Jesus’ followers responded to his death and resurrection.



Picture Story Books

Broken Beaks - Nathaniel Lockenmeyer 

Shutting the chooks in - Libby Gleeson 

Mutt dog - Stephen Michael King 

Luke’s way of looking - Nadia Wheatley 

Giraffes can’t dance - Giles Andreae

The Tunnel - Anthony Browne
