Title: God Knows and Loves Us Year Level: Foundation Strand: Trinity Suggested Duration: 3 - 5 Weeks Enduring Question: Who is God? Is God Alive in Me? |
Unit Outline:In this unit students will explore a range of understandings about God. They will be given opportunities to explore images of God. They will come to understand that God's love for them is revealed through their families, friends and creation and they will be given opportunities to give thanks for all these. Achievement Standards:Students recognise God as loving, experienced in people and the world around us. Unit Outcomes:By the end of this unit students should be able to:
ResourcesPodcastsLinksGod Loves Me - YouTube - Click Here Picture Story BooksAppendicespdf Appendix 1- Rope Display (1.42 MB) image Appendix 2 - Frame (26 KB)
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