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Catholic Identity

"I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly."

Title: Creation and Our Responsibility

Year Level: 5 & 6

Strand: Trinity

Suggested Duration: 4 - 6 Weeks

Enduring Questions: Who is God? How is God alive in me?

On Screen Unit

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Unit Outline:

This unit will focus on the revelation of God through all of creation. In it students will explore how God’s creative act invites us to shape our lives, relationships and world by reaching out and actively responding to the call to be co-creators.

Achievement Standards:

By the end of Year Six:
Students will be able to explain ways in which God is inviting us to participate in the growth of the Reign of God.

Unit Outcomes:

By the end of this unit students should be able to:

  1. Explore and reflect upon what Scripture says about creation.
  2. Identify ways in which we can work towards living in harmony on this planet.
  3. Understand how we are called to be co-creators of creation with God.




Youtube - What is the Big Bang Theory?

Youtube - Origin of the Universe

Youtube - Old Turtle

Picture Story Books

Jennifer Morgan - Born With A Bang

Jennifer Morgan - From Lava to Life

Jennifer Morgan - Mammals Who Morph

Dr Mary Coloe- The two hands of God 


Appendix 1: document Genesis 1:1 – 2:4a - Teacher Notes (15 KB)

Appendix 2: document Christian Mandala (262 KB)
