Title: Who is Jesus in the Gospels? Year Level: 5 & 6 Strand: Trinity Suggested Duration: 6 weeks Enduring Questions: How do we know Jesus? Where do I find Jesus in my life? |
Unit Outline:In this unit, students study a variety of the images of Jesus in the Gospels. The students will examine how the Evangelists present different perspectives of Jesus, and how each of these connects to their community. Students will understand that, together, the Gospels give us a complete profile of Jesus. Each Gospel illustrates various aspects of Jesus’ ministry and how these can be applied to our lives today. Achievement Standards:By the end of Year 6: Students identify the different images of Jesus presented in the Gospels. They articulate the Christological perspective of Jesus in each Gospel. Students describe examples of Jesus’ ministry and mission articulated in the Gospels.Unit Outcomes:By the end of the unit students should be able to: 1. Articulate some images of Jesus presented in the Gospels. |
ResourcesPodcastsLinksAppendix 1 - pdf Description of me (44 KB) Appendix 2 - pdf Jesus word wall (30 KB) Appendix 3 - pdf Godly Play - Mark's Feeding of the 5000 (30 KB) Appendix 4 - pdf Scriptural Think Pad (44 KB) Appendix 5 - pdf Attributes of Jesus table (58 KB) |
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