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Catholic Identity

"I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly."

Assessment and reporting are vital parts of any curriculum process; they are closely linked to planning, teaching and learning. The goal of planning, teaching and assessment is student achievement in
learning; reporting is the communication of that achievement. We believe that wherever a student starts from on the first day of the year, he or she deserves to have made a year’s worth of progress by the end of it. Assessment is the process of gathering and interpreting evidence about student progress across a period of learning activity.

assessment quote


Reporting is the communication of student achievement in learning, and the progress they have made in learning over time. It can be written or verbal, formal or informal. It may have a range of audiences – students themselves, parents, school leaders and teachers, state and national education authorities, the wider community – and a number of purposes including that of public accountability. 

Principles of effective reporting

Reporting should:
• be consistent with the school’s underlying philosophy and mission as proclaimed in its Identity, Vision and Graduate Outcomes
• be sensitive to the individual student seeking to build on achievements
• foster self-esteem and encourage personal responsibility for learning
• enhance the relationship between teacher and student
• be meaningful, understandable and appropriate to the audience
• be linked to level standards
• foster school/home understanding and interaction
• be part of the teaching and learning process.