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Catholic Identity

"I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly."

The school curriculum is a statement of the purpose of schooling. This principle, clearly articulated in the Victorian Curriculum F–10, VCAA (2015) is relevant across all learning areas of the curriculum. It applies in a fundamental way to the role of the Religious Education learning area in the curriculum of Catholic schools. As noted earlier, Religious Education expresses, deepens, and extends the Catholic school’s mission of integral human development for all students, through rich encounters of genuine dialogue at the level of personal meaning-making, including the religious or non-religious worldview.

Religious Education is the discipline-based learning area that promotes and facilitates student learning in the knowledge, practices and self-understandings of Catholic Christianity, in particular, and of other Christian denominations and other religious traditions in general.

The Victorian Curriculum F–10 represents the elements to be aligned in effective student learning in this way:




PCB Scale quadrants


Click on the image below for resources exploring the Catholic Intellectual Tradition


catholic intellectual tradition