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Catholic Identity

"I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly."

Title: The Good News

Year Level: 1 & 2

Strand: Scripture

Suggested Duration: 4 - 5 Weeks

Enduring Questions: What is Scripture? How does God's word affect my life?

 On Screen Unit

     pdf Download PDF (202 KB)

Unit Outline:

In this unit the students will be introduced to Bible Gospel stories about the Good News that Jesus is preaching. They will be provided with opportunities to locate the four Gospels within the New Testament and to read and listen to stories. Students will reflect on the message in the scriptures.

Achievement Standards:

By the end of Year Two:
Students recall and reflect on familiar scriptural material.

Unit Outcomes:

By the end of this unit students should be able to

  1. Name the four Gospels in the Bible along with their placement at the beginning of the New Testament.
  2. Identify the words ‘Good News’ meaning the ‘message of Jesus’.
  3. Consider ways that they can be the ‘Good News’ for others.




 Appendix 1 -   pdf Godly Play - Follow Me (50 KB)

Appendix 2 -   pdf Godly Play - Too Many Mouths to Feed (71 KB)

Appendix 3 -  pdf Godly Play - The Lost Sheep (693 KB)

Appendix 4 -  pdf Godly Play - The Good Samaritan  (71 KB)

Appendix 5 -   document Highly Recommended Texts (6 KB)
