Welcome to 2025. It is my privilege to work alongside each of you to lead in the important work of continuing to grow communities and learning opportunities that impact the lives of every student, every teacher, every school, every day! In 2025, our Guiding Lights will help to focus our work into three particular ways.
Authentically Sandhurst Catholic Education
Sandhurst Catholic Education is living the missionary call to respond to the needs of our young people and our world with an ongoing and Gospel infused synodal process of encounter, deep listening, discernment and courageous action. In doing so, we acknowledge that individually and collectively, we are being called by a Loving God into better versions of ourselves. We seek to live and work in synod, knowing that our journey is more life-giving as we encourage, challenge and hold each other to account for our mission that all may have ‘life to the full’ (John 10:10).
Outstanding Learner Growth
The Magnify Sandhurst project officially launches in 2025. Together, the 3000 adults of our enterprise will be focused to improve the learner growth of each and every child. Each of us has much to contribute to ensure the success of this work, and by working in concert, with common goals, common programs and common language, we re building a new way of being Sandhurst, a new way of educating young people, and a new way of ensuring that in our schools, students are always at the very centre of all that we do.
Solidarity and Subsidiarity
Catholic Education Sandhurst Limited’s (CESL) commitment to the Common Good requires further consideration and action so that the integrity of our ecosystem of educational centres is developed and improved. In 2025, we will continue the work of ensuring that our resources are stewarded with diligence and care, utilizing the strength of the whole to support the needs of the individual.
Jubilee Year
In 2025 we celebrate a Jubilee Year – a special time where we are invited to reconsider our journey father, forgive debt (both practically and emotionally) and refresh our right relationship with God. Pope Francis has asked that in this jubilee year, we be ‘pilgrims of hope’. In this, he calls us to consider anew the journey of our lives and to believe and act so that each moment of each day might be a little more filled with love, justice and peace – an every-spreading ripple of hope-filled growth for ourselves, for our relationships, for our communities and for our world.
There is much to be achieved in 2025, and I look forward to working with you so that everyone within CESL might truly know ‘life to the full’.
Peace and blessings,
Kate Fogarty
Executive Director - Catholic Education Sandhurst