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Catholic Education Sandhurst Limited (CESL) holds the care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people as a central and fundamental responsibility.  
This includes promoting the inherent dignity of children and young people, and their fundamental right to be respected, nurtured and safeguarded by all.NCSS Commitment Badge RGB 01

The CESL Commitment to Child Safeguarding Statement affirms our commitment to:

  • embed a culture of ‘no tolerance’ for child abuse

  • listen to and empower children and young people

  • keep children and young people safe

Child Protection

CESL is committed to child protection strategies and procedures to ensure the care, safety and protection of all children and young people in Catholic schools in the Diocese and safeguarding children and young people against sexual, physical, psychological and emotional abuse and/or neglect.

Victorian Child Safe Standards

CESL is committed to the wellbeing and protection of all children and  complying with Ministerial Order 1359 – Implementing the Child Safe Standards – Managing the risk of child abuse in schools and school boarding premises, and following the Victorian Child Safe Standards.

Child Safety also considers the diversity of all children, including (but not limited to) including Aboriginal children, children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds, children with a disability, children who are unable to live at home, international students, and students of diverse sexuality.

Prevention and Response

Preventing and responding to child abuse requires a whole of community response to bring about broad cultural change. To this end, the Victorian Child Safe Standards apply to a broad range of organisations that provide services for children, including schools, churches, sporting clubs and youth services.

Ensuring we have child safe communities goes to the heart of our faith and core purpose. Therefore, we are dedicated to upholding the values and practices that create safe learning environments for students.

Reporting and Contacts

There are a number of supports available when responding to incidents, disclosures or suspicions of child abuse.

Catholic Education Sandhurst Limited (CESL)

  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

24 Hour Services

  • Victoria Police: 000
  • DFFH Child Protection: 13 12 78

Other Services

CESL Child Safeguarding Policies


Bendigo Office

120 Hargreaves St
PO Box 477
Bendigo, 3552
Ph: (03) 5443 2377

Tatura Office

74 Hogan St
Tatura, 3616
Ph: (03) 5443 2377

Wangaratta Office

29 Templeton St
PO Box 1181
Wangaratta, 3677
Ph: (03) 5443 2377


General Enquiries