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What is Magnify Sandhurst?

Magnify Sandhurst combines evidence-based practices in teaching and learning to support each student's unique needs, strengths, and goals. The Magnify program focuses on strengthening core areas like literacy and numeracy, building supportive classroom environments, and integrating Catholic values in daily learning. We are committed to improving outcomes and providing a program where every student can flourish, inspired by the mantra, "Every Student, Every Teacher, Every School, Every Day!"

Key Features of Magnify Sandhurst

Magnify Sandhurst aims to enhance learning outcomes through several key components:

• Structured and Evidence-based Learning: Using the latest neuroscience and a structured, knowledge-rich curriculum, we ensure students build deep understanding. A low-variance curriculum provides students with a consistent learning experience and reduces the amount of preparation and planning required by teachers, allowing teachers to focus on individual student needs.

• Magnifying Literacy and Numeracy: Providing targeted support and resources to improve reading, writing, and math skills at all levels. Special focus on Structured Literacy in F-2 and sequential programs from Years 3-10.

• Instructional Coaching for Teachers: Each teacher receives a dedicated coach and program to learn and practice the best techniques to meet students' learning needs. We are investing in our teachers to provide the best possible learning outcomes for students in our Catholic schools.

• Calm Classrooms and Positive Learning Environments: Promoting calm, supportive, and positive learning environments through common practices, expectations, and social norms, our work includes a new program for student social and behavioural learning. Our classrooms will have a consistent approach throughout each Sandhurst school to support all students to learn in a calm, orderly learning environment.


Key Changes for students

With Magnify Sandhurst, you will see:

• Expanded Literacy and Numeracy Blocks: Your child will have more intensively focused time on literacy and numeracy skills, especially in the early years. At older year levels (right up to Year 10), the curriculum will be sequenced to ensure all students continue to cover all components of the Victorian Curriculum. There will be targeted support for reading and mathematics at every level.

• Streamlined Curriculum: Teachers will implement a clear and structured curriculum that prioritises essential knowledge and skills to reduce unnecessary complexity.

• Personalised Learning Support: Every teacher will work with a coach to apply the latest techniques for meeting individual student needs, helping all students—whether they excel or need additional support.


How families can be involved

Education is a partnership, and we encourage families to stay engaged in your child’s journey with us. Here’s how:

• Participate in Learning Conversations: Look forward to regular updates on your child’s learning milestones. We aim to keep you informed and involved every step of the way.

• Access Your Child’s Learning Data: Throughout the year, you will have opportunities to review your child’s progress, including assessment results, so you can stay connected to their academic growth.

Looking Ahead

Magnify Sandhurst will be introduced across 2025 to 2027, with each phase designed to bring measurable improvements in our learning environments. We are committed to making this journey meaningful for every child and every family, ensuring that learning is both challenging and supportive.

Artwork Partners



Bendigo Office

120 Hargreaves St
PO Box 477
Bendigo, 3552
Ph: (03) 5443 2377

Tatura Office

74 Hogan St
Tatura, 3616
Ph: (03) 5443 2377

Wangaratta Office

29 Templeton St
PO Box 1181
Wangaratta, 3677
Ph: (03) 5443 2377