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Folder Parents

Here in the Diocese of Sandhurst, the Catholic Education Office remains strongly committed to working with each school and parish community and the broader Catholic education community of Victoria in a spirit of co-responsibility. We continue to commit to shaping the culture, enhancing the performance and building the capacity in schools and the Catholic Education Office.

Parents Getting Involved

Parents play a major role as partners in the learning journey of their children and in the community of the school.


The Parent Leadership and Family Engagement Strategy grew out of a strong commitment to increasing the engagement of parents in the education of their children in fulfilling the Church's mission to understand parents as the prime educators of their children.

This commitment is informed and inspired by the research and practice of contemporary parent educators and leaders who affirm the importance of the following key elements:

  • Parent Connectedness (the capacity of families to support their children's learning and their own)
  • Community Links (engaging in mutually beneficial activities to include all as partners in raising local children and youth)
  • Personalised Curriculum (connecting students to their learning)
  • Community-based Enhanced Learning (engaging the disengaged) (Otero et al, 2011, Hawker Brownlow)

Students with a Disability

Catholic School Parents Victoria

Parent Resources

The Spirit of Sandhurst Magazine is published twice annually capturing the Spirit of Catholic Education in the Sandhurst Diocese – its uniqueness, vibrancy, innovation and commitment to enhancing the lives of students, families and teachers.

It is focused on celebrating:
Our schools: Engaging fully with human potential inspired by the Catholic story
(Catholic Education Sandhurst Identity Statement)

Find below the current and previous issues of the Spirit of Sandhurst magazine.



Folder Spirit Magazine

Bendigo Office

120 Hargreaves St
PO Box 477
Bendigo, 3552
Ph: (03) 5443 2377

Tatura Office

74 Hogan St
Tatura, 3616
Ph: (03) 5443 2377

Wangaratta Office

29 Templeton St
PO Box 1181
Wangaratta, 3677
Ph: (03) 5443 2377


General Enquiries