Modern Slavery - Call to Action
CESL proudly partners with the
Australian Catholic Anti-Slavery Network (ACAN)
for guidance on Managing Modern Slavery Risk in our Supply Chain
and educating our Supplier Partners.
Expectations for CESL Partners
As part of CESL Procurement Protocols and on boarding process, Supplier partners are expected to join in CESL's Modern Slavery call to action by;
- Enrolling key staff in ACAN e-learning and keep completion certificates as evidence of modern slavery training for Catholic entities and other customers.
- Complete an ACAN Supplier Survey.
- Watch an ACAN supplier webinar to understand Catholic entity obligations to comply with the Modern Slavery Act 2018.
- Register for a live ACAN Webinar
- Download the ACAN supplier PowerPoint presentation, raise awareness and ensure expectations of the Catholic entity are understood.
- Join SEDEX as a Supplier Member. Connect to all Catholic customers and complete a Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ).
- Complete a short survey and consent form to be included in the ACAN Pre-qualified Supplier Directory.
To learn more about CESL's commitment to combating Modern Slavery please download the pdf CESL MS Action Plan (255 KB) for more information.
For more information please contact the Modern Slavery Liaison Officers at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
What should you do if you suspect someone is experiencing modern slavery?
Or, that modern slavery is occurring in your operations or supply chain?
How can you take meaningful action and ensure workers are safe? DOMUS 8.7 is an initiative by the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney. Domus 8.7 staff can help workers, businesses or community members to obtain support, advice and guidance on how to respond to suspected or actual situations of modern slavery.
Contact Domus 8.7 on 02 9307 8464 or send a message to their Contact page.
In cases where there is an immediate threat to life and safety, dial 000.