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February 8th is the Feast Day of St Josephine Bakhita, the Patron Saint of Survivors of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking.  St Josephine's legacy of survival is a message of hope for our world, but also a reminder to fight against injustice wherever we see it.

Today marks the 2023 International Day of Prayer, Reflection, and Awareness Against Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking. There are an estimated 15,000 people in slavery-like conditions in Australia and 40.3 million worldwide.

At Catholic Education Sandhurst (CES) we are committed to continuous education and awareness of Modern Slavery as well as increasing visibility of the risks, not only throughout our supply chains, but also the impact of Modern Slavery on the day to day lives of our whole school community.

Twelve months ago today, we proudly launched the CES Ltd Modern Slavery Policy and we would like to acknowledge the partnerships CES Ltd has with organisations such as ACAN, ACRATH and CARITAS for their support and guidance on our journey to make a positive and meaningful impact on the world. 

We would also like to acknowledge the amazing efforts of teacher Ruth Bakogianis from St Mary of the Angels Secondary College in Nathalia and the Student Social Justice Leaders, for their contribution and participation in the 2023  ACRATH online pilgrimage. They have joined students from five schools across Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand who will make their 'call to act' during an online pilgrimage to mark the 2023 International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking.

The St Mary of the Angels Catholic Secondary College students have produced short video clips to pitch for a living wage for workers in the fashion industry that will be shown at the early part of the pilgrimage from 7.30 pm AEDT on Wed Feb 8. Click the the link to access their video https://lnkd.in/dqKxFme

#modernslavery #endhumantrafficking #humanrights #ethicalpurchasing #socialprocurement #acan #acrath #caritasaustralia

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PO Box 477
Bendigo, 3552
Ph: (03) 5443 2377

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Tatura, 3616
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PO Box 1181
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