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Wednesday 11 September

An exciting Performing Arts festival featuring workshops with the Australian School of Performing Arts will take place across the Sandhurst Diocese over three weeks this month. The festival, called Sandhurst Arts on Show will involve more than 1500 Catholic school students over with performances in Wodonga. Wangaratta, Bendigo, Echuca, Cobram and Shepparton.

Each day begins at 9.30am with a welcome and some warmup activities. The students will then commence workshops with the talented team for ASPA Education from 11am with the main performance taking place from 1.00pm – 2.00pm.  

By the time the audience arrives, the performances are polished, the excitement of the students is palpable and the energy is high. Over the nine performances there are a variety of indiviual school performances as well as massed choir performances involving all of the students.

Students and teachers have been working with the Australian School of Performing Arts to prepare for the festival and have been practising in their school settings over the past two terms.

Education Officer for the Arts, Ms Claire Spinelli from Catholic Education Sandhurst said Sandhurst Arts on Show provides an opportunity for schools to perform rehearsed and prepared repertoire and showcase the capacity and skills of Sandhurst Arts teachers and students.

“The Arts is an integral aspect of Sandhurst schools. The Partnership between CES Ltd schools and Australian School of the Performing Arts is well established and provides the opportunity to expose and engage students in the choral arts. Since its inception in 2009, the program has expanded to incorporate Sandhurst Arts on Show.

This is a high energy event which includes singing, dancing, drama, choral performances. Sandhurst Arts on Show commenced in Wodonga on Tuesday 3rd September and will conclude in Sheppaton on the 19th September.

Bendigo Office

120 Hargreaves St
PO Box 477
Bendigo, 3552
Ph: (03) 5443 2377

Tatura Office

74 Hogan St
Tatura, 3616
Ph: (03) 5443 2377

Wangaratta Office

29 Templeton St
PO Box 1181
Wangaratta, 3677
Ph: (03) 5443 2377


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