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Friday 7 February, 2020

Bishop Shane Mackinlay and the Hon Senator Sarah Henderson joined forces on Friday, February 7th for the official blessing and opening of the new Senior Learning Centre at Holy Rosary Primary School, White Hills.

 The Senior Learning Centre has changed the landscape of the school, creating an innovative learning area for grade 5 and 6 students. The new facilities includes four multi-purpose learning areas catering for modern teaching and learning. 


Central seating areas create learning hubs where students can work together of independently. The open plan design promotes interaction and collaboration between all classes and State of the art technology supports 21st Century learning.


The building is the result of $1.5million federal funding grant and a Catholic Capital Grant, with the total project costing $1.8million. Melbourne based architects, Baldasso Cortese teamed with builders, Searle Brothers to deliver the project.

The official plaques were jointly unveiled by Bishop Shane Mackinlay and the Honorable Sarah Henderson, Senator of Victoria. The sweltering heat did not deter the enthusiasm of the assembled community as they erupted with applause as the conclusion of the ceremony. Parishioners, past parents and the Catholic Education community joined with staff and students to tour the new facilities.

Holy Rosary is a growing school community where enrolments have outgrown the current facilities. The new Senior Learning Centre is stage 1A of a master building plan that will serve students, staff and families well into the future.

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